(Photo via Facebook)
If you’re a regular reader of the Southborough police logs, you will have seen the occasional drunk driving arrest in an among the daily calls. Turns out, there were almost 50% more of those arrests in the logs this year than last.
Reports the Southborough Police Department on their Facebook page:
In 2011, Southborough police officers made over 55 drunk driving arrests in town. In 2012, the number of OUI arrests increased from 55 to 81 arrests. We hope that these statistics show to those we serve, that we are proactive in our mission… to keep our residents and commuter’s safe.
Please do your part by always having a sober driver; reporting a possible drunk driver on the road; and taking the keys away from a friend or family member who you feel may have had too much to drink. Thank you and please be safe!
Great job by our boys in blue. Thank you to each and every one of you for keeping us and our streets safe. You are MUCH appreciated.