The Southborough Library is looking for a friend

You’ve likely heard by now I’ll be taking over blogging duties at My Southborough when Susan retires. Some of you may also know that I’m the president of the Friends of the Southborough Library. Thanks to help from volunteers in the community, this has been a fantastic year for us. The group is revitalized with more actively involved members, and increased fundraising and volunteering. We’ve also made great strides in filing for 501(c)3 status.

To keep this momentum going, we need another volunteer to step up. We are only asking for a couple of hours per month. One of our Board members is retiring and we don’t have a replacement.

This is an opportunity to give your support and voice your opinion on how we can best serve and use this great public resource. Board members participate in the monthly meeting and contribute to ideas for Friends of the Southborough Library activities, both fundraising and volunteering. 

The specific opening is for a Recording Secretary, responsible for taking notes at the monthly meeting and writing up the minutes. (The minutes are just a brief overview of important topics covered and decisions made, not a transcript.)

If you are interested in learning more about this position, please e-mail

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11 years ago

So, who are you?

11 years ago
Reply to  SK

This post was authored by Beth Melo, who over the next few weeks will be taking over as the blogger behind My Southborough. Read more here:

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