Deadlines loom on Southborough town Planning positions, while ZBA vacancies filled

If you are interested in applying for either the position of Town Planner or to be appointed as temporary Planning Board member, time is running out. Meanwhile, all three positions on the Zoning Board of Appeals have been filled.

The application deadline for the full time job of Town Planner is this Friday, July 12th. To see the job posting and online employment application, click here.

The Town is also still accepting letters of intent for an opening on the Planning Board.

The Planning Board and Board of Selectmen will be meeting jointly to appoint a new member to serve a portion of the remaining term held by Dana Cunningham, whose resignation was effective June 30, 2013. The chosen candidate will fill the seat until the May 2014 annual town election.

To apply submit a letter and resume to or deliver to the Town House, 17 Common St, Southborough, MA 01772.

The original application deadline was June 27th. The town is now working on scheduling the joint meeting. At this Tuesday night’s Selectmen meeting, the Board indicated it is not too late to apply if you act quickly.

At that meeting, Selectmen voted to fill the ZBA vacancies. Three applicants applied for the position of either permanent or alternate ZBA member. Selectmen voted to appoint Arlon Brown, former alternate, as a permanent board member. They were confident his experience as an alternate would allow him to be immediately up to speed. They mentioned concerns that the Planning Board be ready for looming 40B applications.

The other two candidates, Paul Drepanos and Lisa Capello, were appointed to the open alternate positions.


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