No Trouble with a Capital T: Celebrate Southborough’s Teen Space

In the Music Man, a con-man cashes in on parents’ fears that their kids are in for “Trouble with a capital T”, if left to their own devices (such as a Pool Hall.) In Southborough, Teens now have a place to hangout that parents can feel good about.

Last fall, the Southborough Public Library created a “Teen Space”.

The space is intended as comfortable place for teens to visit, study and learn.

400_20130715-teen-spaceFor parents, there can be comfort in knowing that, though unsupervised, their teens are meeting in a public forum with watchful eyes.

Teen Space was designed in collaboration with members of the Library’s Teen Advisory group, overseen by Southborough Librarian Naomi Magnoni.

Eagle Scout Michael Piekarz of Southborough helped to organize the space and the move.

Since then, he has continued working to add technology.

Funding for the space was provided by a grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.

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The Southborough Education Foundation recently donated ipads to the cause. And Lauren Kuchnir from the Trottier Mural Club has donated a new mural.

This Tuesday, the library will hold a small celebration to thank everyone who helped. The party will be from 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the new space. Teens are invited to come hang out, eat snacks, and play games.

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Concerned about the Library
11 years ago

This is a Good Citizen Alert, Parents be vigilant! I am saying this as advice to all people in town. First, the bus that delivers folks from town to town (other towns than ours) makes frequest stops at our library and these folks from other towns use our facilites. I know this for fact because I know one of the guys that was at a computer and he is a known pedephile (I am not posting a name you can go to the police station and research it on your own – they have names and addresses at least in our town but these guys are on the busses that stop at the library.). Beware of who is there and more inportantly what your kids are doing. I have addressed this in the past with the library director and the BOS. Nothing was done. My complaint was pornography and acts of violence are not blocked on those library public computers but should be. Of course they used the term “censoring” as an excuse not to block this diabolical content. So beware, I have seen who is there, and who is entering and using the facilites. I am posting this anonymously because I received so many negative and threatening calls last time I posted on this issue. Thank you.

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