I was skeptical about my daughter joining Daisies last year. It turned out to be a great experience for both of us. She’s now bridged to Brownies and can’t wait for the new season to start.
If you are interested in signing up your daughter or learning more about it, come to the the annual Girl Scouts registration night. This year it’s taking place at Mary Finn Elementary School cafeteria on Wednesday, September 11 from 7:00 and to 8:30 pm.
This night is really for the parents. You will have the chance to fill out forms and ask questions.
But if you do bring along your daughter, she’s bound to see some friends and they’ll have something (like coloring pages) to keep the girls occupied.
Note: I do need to point out that the affordable $12 dues quoted in the flyer (reprinted here from last year) is a joke.
Those are the Girl Scouts of America dues.
Then there are New England dues, the troop dues, the uniform purchase, cookie sale obligations, etc.
However, in the end, I felt it was worth it.
And they do offer assistance to families with financial constraints.
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