Can Southborough women be as dull as our men?

A group of Southborough seniors proudly meet at a weekly Dull Men’s Group. The program has been so successful that the Senior Center is looking to duplicate it for ladies in town.

One problem, they need a woman dull enough to lead it.

Actually, they are open to changing the name. So you don’t have to proclaim yourself dull at all.

The Senior Center is looking for one or more women who would be interested in running the group. In their latest newsletter, they explained:

It just requires a little of your time, we would run it weekly, according to your schedule. The most fun part of this might be coming up with a unique name for the group. There will be a tee shirt in it for the group.

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11 years ago

A dull woman at the Senior Center?? Doesn’t exist!! How about a “Vibrant Woman’s Group of Southborough Senior Center” That sounds more accurate!

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