Collection drive for transitional families, through November 1st

Recently Woodward School’s “Thursday packet” to parents contained an item that caught my attention. The flyer was promoting a collection drive for Families in Transition.

We already have the Southborough Food Pantry and Friends of the Youth and Family Services. I was wondering who these “transitional” families were, and how they weren’t being supported by those organizations.

This week, I found the answer in an article by The Metrowest Daily News.

MWDN reported:

state funding for a subsidized housing program dried up on June 30, leaving about 6,000 people without a place to live.

As a result, the state has been placing families wherever it can, which has led to some urban students being placed far away from their hometowns, where shelters are often full, [Student Services Director Barbara Goodman] said.

In September, the state set up 15 rooms for these families at a budget hotel in Northborough. Some of these “transitional” families include students at Northborough schools, including Algonquin Regional High School.

An Algonquin student organization is reaching out to the community to ask for their support of these families.

DECA (a marketing, management, and entrepeneurship club) has organized a collection drive through Woodward School.

They also plan to run one through Trottier Middle School.

The food and supplies will go to Friends of FIT (Families in Transition).

Flyers capitalize on the C.A.R.E compassion and respect program taught by the schools.

They are asking students to donate through collection boxes in Woodward’s lobby until Friday, November 1.

The timing for this drive isn’t ideal.

There is a Troop Care Package Drive this weekend, Scouting for Food starts next week, and SYFS’ holiday gift drive is starting up.

Unfortunately, these families can’t “better time” when they need help. So if you have the room in your wallet to help, please consider making a donation.

If you have any questions, contact

To read MWDN’s article about Northborough’s transitional families, click here.

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