Author night: Memoir of a suicide attempt survivor – November 14

The Southborough Library’s New England author series is branching into non-fiction of a serious nature.

Until now, events have featured novelists, most with a focus on mystery/suspense. This coming Thursday, the featured writer is the author of a memoir.

Craig Miller is author of This is How it Feels: A Memoir – Attempting Suicide and Finding Life.

On Thursday, November 14, 7:00 p.m at the library, Miller will speak about his life and his writing.

His memoir recounts his attempt at suicide and his decision to survive.

From his book jacket:

Craig Miller lay in a hospital bed for three days while his body fought for life, but his soul stood undecided on the threshold of existence. He relived the most pivotal moments of his life and saw himself from an entirely new perspective. He learned that God does not punish, and that love, no matter how bad it hurts, is worth it. He learned that compassion is to see the hurt in the eyes of another, no matter how bad we hurt ourselves. He learned that living in the darkness of mental illness can be one of the most powerful paths to self-discovery. And he learned that life, no matter how hard it gets, is worth living.

The talk is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact the Southborough Library at 508-485-5031.

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