BBJ: Southborough rankings in millionaire earners

The Boston Business Journal broke down by town the number of Massachusetts residents reporting income of a million or more for 2011.

Where we ranked depends on how you crunch the numbers. Out of the 223 towns listed:

  • By % of residents, we came in at 16. (Residents per millionaire filer = 102.65)
  • By # of filers per town, we ranked 25

Yet, our millionaires aren’t as rich as those in other top ranking towns. Ranked by their average income, we came in 73.

Earning trends for town millionaires didn’t reflect statewide trends.

From 2010-11, Southborough millionaires increased by 20% but their average earnings decreased by more than 55%, and total earnings by 47%.

In contrast, the BBJ reports that averaged across the state, filers increased by 8%, average earnings were only down 5%, and total earnings increased by 7%.

Here’s some more numbers from BBJ*.

20140114_millionaires in Sboro_smlr
(*Figures above are rounded to millions)

For the full article, click here.

(Image of fake million dollar bill posted to Flickr by Simon Davison)

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Carl Guyer
11 years ago

If the tax data in this article and the referenced article is correct, it makes for some interesting math.

As reported for Southborough.
Number of Residents : 9854
Per Capita Income (2010) : $107,414
Multiply the above to calculate total income for the town : $1,058,457,556

As reported : Income of towns 80 millionaires (2010) : $501,436,000
Divide income of millionaires by total town income to determine what part of the town’s income was earned by the 80 millionaires. Result : 47%

If what has been reported is accurate, it is a very interesting result.

carl Guyer
10 years ago

Hi Beth

I was surprised to get an email message about this old article.

I have to stand by my math.

Think of it this way

If there were only 10 residents with a per capita income of $100,000 that would be a total of $1,000,000. Since there are 10,000 residents or 1,000 times as many as 10, then 1,000 time $1,000,000 (a million) is $1,000,000,000 (a billion).

I know it is hard to believe that so few make so much, but that is what the data says.

Also, if the annual income were $10,000,000,000 with a population of 2700 households that would put the annual income per household at $3.7 million per year. A nice thought but probably not real. (or as I would ask, what happened to mine ? :-) )

Anyways, what are you up to, I would be interested in knowing.

And thanks for the plug about the Green Technology Meeting.


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