Above: AVRT students and faculty pose with one of the two sculptures they designed and fabricated for display on the rail trail. (photo provided)
It’s time for 8th graders to select a high school to attend in the fall
I can tell by the gaggle of press releases sent out by Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School.
AVRT is hoping for 8th graders to submit applications by February 3rd. To help students (and parents) make up their mind, they are stepping up PR efforts this month. I got 9 press releases from the school last week.
Here are the ones I deemed worthy of sharing with you. For more information on AVRT, click here.
Assabet Valley Staff Bowls for Dollars – January 3, 2014:
When one of their own was diagnosed with cancer, the Assabet Valley staff rallied to offer support. . .There were 63 people who attended the Rosie Bowl [bowling fundraiser], which raised $430.00. These proceeds will go toward a scholarship for an Assabet student who has overcome an adversity, while the 50/50 proceeds will help provide support for their colleague during the next round of chemotherapy treatments. The school is planning to hold another event in the spring, hoping to raise enough to make it a $1,000.00 scholarship. (read more)
Assabet Valley FIRST Robotics Team Prepares for Latest Game Challenge – January 5, 2014:
“Each year we let the students take the lead and come up with as many ideas for design and game strategies as they can, and then as a team we discuss all of them and begin to narrow the process down to something we can actually do, in-house, in just six weeks. Sometimes the ideas are fantastic, but with our limited scope of equipment and time, we have to be practical, too. Completing a robot that meets the criteria and can be competitive within the time frame is success in our eyes. What happens at the actual competitions is just the icing on the cake,” explains Marcus Fletcher, the Project Leader. (read more)
Assabet Valley Students Adorn Assabet River Rail Trail – January 8, 2014:
Welding students at Assabet Valley, under the supervision of instructors George Aziz, Chris Wittmier, and Neil Mansfield, created bicycle metal art using welding and creative designs to make the Assabet River Rail Trail a more cheerful place to pedal and have fun. . . The Automotive Collision program was asked to do the final painting of the pieces. . . (read more)
Harvard University Rep Addresses Assabet Valley Students – January 8, 2014:
A large group of Assabet Valley’s top juniors and seniors listened intently as Ariana Campos, a sophomore at Harvard University, spoke to them regarding life at Harvard, ranging from the Admissions process to campus life and extracurricular activities. As part of an outreach program at Harvard, Campos is calling on local high schools during her winter break to encourage students to apply. (read more)