Brush burning permits available through April 30

Brush burning season opened earlier this month, but before you break out the matches, don’t forget to get your permit*.

Permits are $10 for the season (free for those over 65). You can apply for a permit in person at the Fire Station on Monday through Friday (8:00 am to 6:00 pm) or Saturday (9:00 am to 1:00 pm). Once you have a permit, you need to call the Fire Department at 508-485-3235 between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm on each day you plan to burn to see if conditions are right**.

The permit allows you to burn brush up to 4 inches in diameter – cane and forest debris only. You’re not allowed to burn leaves, grass, hay, stumps, rubbish, construction materials or buildings. Set up your fire at least 75 feet from any building, and of course, have a water supply readily available.

Burning must be extinguished by 4:00 pm.

Burning season ends on April 30.

*Permits are only issued to residential properties.

**SFD doesn’t make the decision, they just enforce it. The Department of Conservation & Recreations’ Bureau of Forest Fire Control determines the likelihood of out of control fires occurring and The Department of Environmental Protection determines the likelihood of environmental/public impacts from open air smoke. These Departments post their decision each day by 9:00 am and reserve the right to amend that at anytime during the day.

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