Above: Wonder what is living in the meadows or ponds at Beals Preserve?
Here’s your chance to find out. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
This month, the Southborough Open Land Foundation is beginning a Wildlife Survey.
Their goal is to discover which reptiles and amphibians (aka herps) are living in the preserve:
There are almost 50 species of turtles, snakes, frogs, toads and salamanders with documented ranges that include Massachusetts and little is known about which are found in Beals Preserve. Many are considered threatened or endangered and Beals Preserve could house critical populations! . . .
This exciting opportunity will both provide valuable insight into how our preserve is being used by local fauna and provide a unique chance to explore nature and its remarkable diversity.
The group is looking for volunteers to help. SOLF will be setting up observation sites at regular intervals at a pond edge and meadow. They will need help collecting data from those sites:
Since herps use their habitats in different ways and can be active both day and night, especially in the warmer months, we are calling on volunteers to help us collect data 3 times daily (9-10 am, 2-3pm and 7-9 pm (just after dusk).
The tentative start date for the project is March 15th. You don’t need to commit to a daily slot. Just let them know when you can pitch in.
To sign up or find out more, email Acacia Alcivar Warren at aalcivar@yahoo.com .