Above: Southborough’s John Arnold, an ARHS student, earned his Eagle Scout rank this winter. (Contributed photo)
Here are some stories shared or published recently about Southborough residents.
WWII Journal: Earl of Southborough was workhorse in Europe – from Southborough Wicked Local:
Just about the only thing that’s ever taken Earl Q. Watkins out of Southborough for any meaningful length of time was the war.
“(Southborough) back then was different than it is today,” the town’s oldest veteran said Thursday with a smile, letting his understatement resonate as he lunched on fried chicken at the senior center.
Watkins was born on Nov. 17, 1916, in an old house about 50 feet away from the railroad tracks along Main Street. The house, built in 1850, still stands, housing the Village Mane salon.
Watkins is one of a dwindling number of residents who remember town life during the Depression. His dad worked for a time as the telegrapher at the rail station, receiving and transmitting news of train arrivals and departures in Morse code. (read more)
John Arnold earns rank of Eagle Scout – contributed story:
Westborough Boy Scout Troop 100 [awarded] the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout to [Southborough resident] John James Arnold. . .
Perhaps John’s greatest contribution to Troop 100 has been his commitment to earn top fundraiser for the Pancake Breakfast ticket sales several times through the years. John helped teach younger scouts the art of ticket sales and worked to develop an informational sheet for scouts and parent drivers. . .
For his Eagle Project, John led a team of volunteers to clear, clean, build shelving for, and organize the Westborough Players Club prop and storage room. The room is located in the basement of the historic Harvey Building in Westborough (read more)
Local preschoolers learn to track wildlife – contributed story:
(Click above images to enlarge – Photos contributed)
The children [including Southborough students] at Miss Tanya’s Woodland School in Westborough enjoyed a fun and informative program about animals and their tracks presented by Pam Landry, Education Director at MassWildlife.