Above: Seniors can learn about the fascinating world of local birds, like the cardinal, at the Friday morning Breakfast Club. (Image posted to Flickr by John Flannery)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week. For more details and the full list, check the Event Calendar.
Monday, April 07, 2014:
- Cybersafety discussion (7:00 pm) @ Trottier Middle School: The SOS is bringing in an expert to help parents keep kids “cybersafe”. It’s for any parents whose child uses the internet, or will be soon. (See post for details.)
Tuesday, April 08, 2014:
- Legos at the Library (3:45 – 5:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: Children are welcome to come build with Legos, and display their creations in the Children’s Room. Legos will be provided, but all materials need to remain at the library. Parents or caregivers must stay with children during this event.
- Library’s Teen Advisory Group (6:30 – 7:30 pm) @ Southborough Library: Come and provide valuable input into the purchasing of young adult books and materials as well as help plan teen programs. Pizza and soda are donated by the Friends of the Southborough Library. Southborough ‘tweens and teens ages 11-18 are welcome.
Wednesday, April 09, 2014:
- Senior Center Book Group (11:00 am – 12:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: The Southborough Library runs the monthly book club. Feel free to sit in on one of the sessions.
- Senior Sing-a-long (12:30 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Welcome in spring with a light lunch and sing-a-long courtesy of Melissa Esteves from Marlborough Hills Healthcare Center Michael Orlando will accompany Melissa with the music and singing!
Thursday, April 10, 2014:
- Half day at Finn, Woodward, and Neary Schools (for Parent Conferences)
- Algonquin Parent Teacher Organization meeting (7:00 – 7:00 pm) @ Algonquin Regional High School, 79 Barlett St, Northborough, MA, United States:
Friday, April 11, 2014:
Egg-cellent Celebration! (10:00 am – 12:00 pm) @ South Union Building: Free party for toddlers, preschoolers and caregivers. Discover boundless Easter crafts for kids, and the whole family. With Easter games, craft, music and decorations. All the makings for an egg-cellent holiday celebration. Open to Southborough Residents Only.
- Breakfast Club – Fascinating World of Birds (10:00 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: Join Dr. Andrew Vitz, Mass State ornithologist learn about the birds you see in your own backyard. See flyer for details. Suggested Donation: $6 Friends of COA members, $10 non-members.
- Pre-K Science Discovery – Wildlife (Session 1 – 10:30 – 11:00 am; Session 2 – 11:15 – 11:45 am) @ Southborough Recreation, 21 Highland Street: For pre-registered 3-5 year old Southborough residents. Friends of Southborough Rec are sponsoring a free hands-on visit with adult and baby animals through the Audubon Ark Wildlife Outreach Program. For details, see their flyer. Call 508-229-4452 to pre-register. (Only 15 spaces available per session.)
Tina Bemis – Kokedama (1:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Make this variant of Bonsai, Japanese string gardens. For more details, see their flyer. Suggested Donation: $15 for Friends of COA members, $25 non-members.
Saturday, April 12, 2014:
- Metrowest Early Childhood Care & Preschool Fair (9:00 – 11:00 am) @ Fay’s Primary School, 25 Middle Road: Meet with childcare centers and preschools located in Metrowest Massachusetts in one location during one morning. While you are here, you and your child can participate in Jedster the Jester’s Circus Show (see listing below). Please visit www.fayschool.org/preschoolfair for a list of schools attending.
- Jedster the Jester’s Circus Show (9:30 – 10:30 am) @ Fay’s Primary School, 25 Middle Road: Come and watch Jedster the Jester perform amazing circus tricks, and then learn how to do them yourself at home! Circus tricks include juggling, balancing plates, making balloon animals, and basic magic. (This will take place during the above listed fair.)
- Steeple Cofeehouse (7:30 pm) @ Pilgrim Church, 15 Common Street: Dave Pietro and his Trio will perform. Doors open at 7:00 pm. Please bring a donation for the Southborough Food Pantry. Proceeds from coffee and desserts go towards local charities. In advance: $17 General/$15 Students & Seniors. At the door: $20 General/$17 Students & Seniors. For more details, check www.steeplecoffeehouse.org.
Sunday, April 13, 2014:
- Cutler Festival – St. Mark’s concert (6:30 – 6:30 pm) @ Class of ’45 Hall, Putnum Family Arts Center, St. Mark’s School: Annual jazz festival. Performing will be the St. Mark’s Jazz Band, MIT Jazz Ensemble, and Bill Pierce Quartet