The week in government (5/12-5/18/14): Main St – Fay to Rte. 85; Historic District; cemetery layoff/resolution (Updated)

Here is a selection of the committee and department meetings for the week. Be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For a complete list of meetings, visit the town website.

All these meetings are open to the public, so you’re welcome to stop on by. Don’t know where the meeting room is? Give a shout in the comments and I’ll do my best to help.

Monday, May 12, 2014 – Town Election: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014:

  • Northborough/Southborough Health and Wellness Advisory Council, 8:00 am @ D112, Algonquin Regional High School (agenda)
  • Green Technology and Recycling Committee, 6:00 pm @ Southborough Public Library (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss Eagle Scout composting project, implementation of Green Communities program, and new recycling opportunuties
  • Library Board of Trustees, 6:00 pm  @ Southborough Public Library (agendaAgenda Highlights: Welcome new Library Director; discuss Main St project and drainage issues; review long term plan; FY15 priority list
  • Board of Selectmen, 7:00 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House (agenda with packetAgenda Highlights: Reorganization of 5 person board with two newly elected members; proposed cemetery layoff/resolution

Wednesday, May 14, 2014:

  • Board of Assessors, 8:30 am @ Hearing Room, Town House (agenda)
  • Southborough School Committee, 6:30 pm @ Trottier Middle School Library, 49 Parkerville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Vote on School Choice
  • Historical Commission, 7:15 pm @ Room B, Cordaville Hall, 9 Cordaville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Update on Main St Historic District, Community Preservation Committee update and 5 year plan

Thursday, May 15, 2014:

  • Personnel Board, 9:00 am @ Hearing Room, Town House (agendaAgenda Highlights: Evaluations – Town Planner; Children’s Librarian, Asst. Director; Youth and Family Services
  • Conservation Commission, 6:30 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Pest talk about beetles damaging to regional hardwood trees
  • Main Street Design Working Group, 7:00 pm @ Rooms A and B, Cordaville Hall, 9 Cordaville Road (agendaAgenda Highlights: Focus on area from Fay School to intersection of Rtes 30 & 85

Updated (5/13/14 9:19 am): As frequently happens more meetings popped up and one moved around. Since two that came to my attention are of significant interest to many, I updated the post.

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Lifetime Voter
10 years ago

This morning, before going to my voting precinct for Town Elections, I reviewed the video of the Candidate’s Night hosted by the Trustees of the Library last Wednesday (a link was posted on this site a few days ago). Each of the seven candidates running for the Board of Selectmen was given the opportunity to make an opening statement. In his statement, Joe Hubley declared “I am tired of reading about Southborough in the newspaper and all the controversy that goes on here. Frankly, I’m embarrassed and it needs to stop.” Mr. Hubley seems to forget that he was a source of many embarrassing headlines in 1993 and several years after related to the harassment of a female police dispatcher. Those of us who have lived in town for 20 years or more appear to have a better memory than the candidate.

Toward the end of his published position paper (also on this site under Town Elections), Mr. Hubley “propose(s) a review of the Professional Conduct Policy for all town committees.” There has been some concern about the conduct of certain town employees over the past couple of years (and more that may surface this year). Perhaps the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee should extend the review and enforcement of Professional Conduct Policies to all town employees, especially to those in officer/leadership positions.

Lifetime Voter
10 years ago

Sorry to resurface the incident above, however any person running for public office opens him/herself up for review even in a small town. This is one of the “inconvenient truths” of politics. No one is perfect; but a person representing the town on the Board of Selectmen or as a town employee/officer needs to act professionally. Their actions should reflect their written and verbal campaign statements.

Pat Q.
10 years ago

Please remember to vote and THEN go home and watch the Bruins game!

Claire Reynolds
10 years ago

PLEASE note – the Main Street Design Working Group meeting has been rescheduled to May 15th. Same time, location and agenda as shown in the posting above.

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