Above: 6th & 8th grade students earned a grant for their school that paid for these cameras and more. (Image from Trottier’s website)
Trottier Middle School principal Keith Lavoie shared the following news on the school’s website:
Due to the hard work of both 6th grade Computer and 8th grade Electronic Communications students, Trottier has been able to acquire a classroom set of digital cameras.
Over the past two months, students in these classes have participated in the “Hour of Code” and the “Intro to Computer Science Course” by Code.org. The creators of the course, in conjunction with Donors.org offered a $750 grant to any school which had fifteen students finish the course.
The funding amount was raised to $1000 if a certain percentage of the students was girls. Enough Trottier students were determined enough to finish and earn the full $1000 grant.
With those funds, their teacher, Mrs. Harvey, was able to purchase 29 digital cameras, high capacity memory cards and a lighting “studio” with backdrop.
Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and efforts. While learning a whole new way of thinking, these students helped to improve what the school offers through its technology department.
This is fantastic! I have felt for a long time that Southborough was lagging behind since it doesn’t offer any programming content in the middle school. During open house this year, a parent asked Ms. Harvey if the students in 6th grade would be learning Scratch or similar programming and she said no because only a small percentage of kids are interested in it. I am so glad that she has turned around her thinking and has introduced (even in just this small controlled way) the concept of programming. Now let’s add even more opportunities at Trottier.