Above: Families band together at the spot that would mark access for a 180 unit condo development. (Photo by Beth Melo) Below: Courtney Winand & Samantha Binswanger helped raise money to protect their neighborhood. (Contributed photo)
Residents abutting the proposed Park Central 40B project have banded together. Families on Bantry Road, Tara Road, and Blackthorn Road held a fundraiser on yesterday to “protect their neighborhood”.
Some of the neighbors have hired a lawyer to guide them in efforts. Funds raised by the Family Fun Fair and Tag Sale were to help. They also used the event to raise community awareness about the impact of the project scale.
The residents are concerned about a projected 350% more cars in their neighborhood.
Capital Group Properties’ latest traffic plan would route most of the traffic onto Flagg Road. Neighbors worry that commuters will seek to avoid the backup queue to Route 9 by using the secondary access road.
Secondary access would be via Bantry Road, leading to Tara and/or Blackthorn Road. Residents of that area describe it as a quiet neighborhood with 45 homes. The proposed development is for 180 condo units.
Neighbors are also concerned about the development’s impact on Flagg Road towards Route 30. At public meetings, many have argued that the winding country road is too narrow in spots to accommodate the traffic. As the road has no sidewalks, residents claim pedestrian safety is at risk.
As part of Sunday’s fundraising, families held a bake sale, lemonade stand, and sold face painting.
Nearby, adults answered questions and shared their warning flyer:
Capital Group Properties is planning to build a 180 Unit 40B Condominium Project on 13 acres of the recently purchased 110 acre parcel adjacent to our neighborhood and is planning to access this enormous development through two entry/exit points in this neighborhood. One entry will be at the Bantry Road cul-de-sac (where our tag sale is being held) and one at the top of Tara Road around the corner…
The majority of this traffic will be routed through the Bantry/Tara/Blackthorn neighborhood all feeding onto Flagg road (numbers below). With narrow streets, numerous blind turns and driveways and steep grade, these roads are not adequately designed to handle an increase in traffic of this magnitude and create a significant safety risk for the residence of this area.
(To see the full flyer, click here)
According to one resident, Sunday’s event was a success. Some that attended even made donations without buying anything.
For past coverage of the proposed Park Central development, click here.
That sure is a beautiful dog! :)
Good to the residents so directly affected to take a stand and appeal for support. If you aren’t familiar with the area, a good idea would be to drive south or north on Flagg Road to see the streets involved and just how bad the plan for dealing with the traffic is. Beyond imagination!
Lend your support in any way possible. Watch for dates of meetings. Contact someone you know in that area and keep track of what’s going on.
I feel that this area is built to capacity. Wishing more than anything these developers would go and develop elsewhere! Have you been on Route 9 at rush hour lately? It’s a nightmare.
So proud of our neighborhood! Carla organized a great event and we had lots of people from the town stop by and voice their support. Thank you Mysouthborough on behalf of the Blackthorn/Bantry/Tara neighborhood.
Just think about how successful this yard sale would have been if “350% more cars” had been traveling through the neighborhood. Seems like a big win to me! Welcome to Route 9 folks…
Maybe divert cut through traffic on sears through presidential….fight fire with fire
Someone should post a billboard on RT9 and get all the commuters on your side. They could sign a petition via a link to a petition site. If you tell them there will be an increase in traffic the area.. Even just a small sign would suffice, they are all traveling 5mph passed the sign each day. Plenty of time to read a small sign! Find a land owner on RT9 that agrees and they’d probably let you place the sign..
Petition the town, the state reps the highway department for their plan. Whomever it makes the most sense to appeal to..
Start up a free petition on a site like
This is great,… congrats to the people who are out these trying to stop this. I feel so bad for the people in that neighborhood. I just do not get why this makes sense for anyone in Southborough. Why should we have 40B housing in our town? Here’s an idea to anyone who wants to live here,… work hard + save money – then you can buy a house here just like everyone else did.
Please let me know where I can make a donation. I do not live in your neighborhood, but I am 100% behind your cause.