Given the passionate nature of many comments posted on this blog, I can tell people care about the future of this town. Every June the Board of Selectmen offers you a new chance to get involved.
This is the time the board renews and makes new committee appointments. Right now, there are at least 30 openings. (I expect once the town completes its review of which board members will renew their term, there will be more announced.)
Critical ones include Open Space Preservation Commission and the Historical Commission.
If you would like to make a difference, consider volunteering for one of the following committees:
- Affordable Housing Trust Committee
- American with Disabilities Act Committee
- Economic Development Committee
- Fence Viewer
- Field Driver
- Green Technology and Recycling Committee
- Historical Commission
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council
- Municipal Technology Committee
- Open Space Preservation Commission
- Phase II Stormwater Committee
- Registrar of Voters
- Southborough Cultural Arts Council
- Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee (SHOPC)
- Southborough Scholarship Advisory Committee
- Southborough Stewardship Committee
- Youth Commission
If you are interested in volunteering, you can click here for a form. If you have questions about what’s involved, you can e-mail
You can also try posting a comment below, in hopes that someone with involvement (present or past) can shed a light.
And if you do have knowledge on a committee’s responsibilities, feel free to post a comment below explaining.
(Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
It’s easy to complain and whine. Witness the thirty or so posts on another story. Much harder to serve the Town.