Above: Schools are encouraging students to avoid summer-slide by picking up a book or two (or more) this summer. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
The Southborough Library isn’t the only organization in town encouraging children to read this summer.
Each Southborough school has it’s own summer reading program. Here’s a look.
Mary Finn Elementary School (Grades: K – 1)
- The school sent home a log for children to track the books they read (or have read to them) this summer. Students who return it in the fall will “receive a special prize”.
- The attached form provided tips on making reading fun and encouraged parents to ask kids questions like “How do you think the character feels?”
- Teachers also sent home a list to help families pick appropriate books.
- [Note: For students entering 2nd grade, you may prefer the Woodward reading list link below. Or ask at the Southborough Library Children’s Room desk. They keep past years’ recommended reading lists from the schools, organized by grade.]
Albert S. Woodward Elementary School (Grades 2-3)
- The school website has a link to their Summer Reading Packet. It shares:
When we return to school in the fall, students will be asked to present a short book talk on the book they enjoyed reading the most over the summer. Our hope is that these book talks encourage students to read more and provide their classmates with suggestions of books that they enjoyed. On the back we have provided a book log. Please help your child to keep track of his/her summer reading! Over the summer, you will receive a book talk sheet to help you prepare for this beginning of the year activity.
- For recommended reads, they direct you to a NY public library link.
Margaret Neary Elementary School (Grades 4-5)
- The school issued a Summer Book Challenge to read 8 books in a variety of genres. Students fill out a Summer Book Challenge Bingo Board to cover genres including: Poetry, informational text (nonfiction book), realistic fiction, and mystery.
- In addition, they can fill out an SOS Raffle Card for every two hours of reading this summer. All cards returned by September 16th will be entered in a drawing for prizes.
- For recommended reading lists, visit their dedicated site.
Trottier Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Trottier students had to choose a book from the school’s recommended reading list and submit their choice earlier this month. When they return to school:
students will be participating in short book groups based on their summer reading. This book group will give students an opportunity to connect with different members of the school community using a shared experience as well as an opportunity to discuss literature. Because groups are created based on the books chosen, these groups will be multi-grade and multi-level and may be facilitated by a teacher who the student does not interact with on a regular basis.
Algonquin Regional High School (Grades 9-12)
The high school’s student-run One Book program begins during the summer and wraps up when students return in the fall. (Look for more of this in a future post.) This year’s selection is Unwind by Neal Shusterman.
The program has evolved into a One Book, One Community effort for the district. So, in effect, the school is encouraging adult summer reading, too.