Above: Join the Northborough/Southborough libraries this week as they will be hosting an event planning committee for One school, One book, One community summer reading program.(Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
The Northborough and Southborough libraries have teamed up to offer an event planning committee for this year’s One School, One book, One community summer reading program.
The committee will help plan events surrounding this year’s chosen novel: Unwind.
Librarian Naomi Magnoni hopes to discuss possible events such as teaming up with Algonquin Regional High School’s drama teacher to create a play about the novel. Other ideas she describes as, “feasible to do” include skyping with the author.
This will be the second year the Northborough-Southbrough community will come together to plan events. Last year, the chosen novel was “The Fault in Our Stars,” where ARHS students interviewed author, John Green, via Skype (to view the video click here) with the help of Northborough Media Access Channel. There also was a book discussion at the Southborough Senior Center.
The premise for the program is simple: ARHS students and adults from the district will read one book over the summer. The community will take part in discussions and host events in the fall. Teachers at Algonquin will incorporate “Unwind,” into their curricula, too.
Teens and adults are encouraged to join the committee, stop by the Southborough Library on Wednesday, July 9 at 6:30 p.m.
The committee plans to meet four times over the summer. The first two locations will be at the Southborough library and then at the Northborough library.
According to ARHS’ newspaper, The Harbinger, this is the first time the One Book selection process was entirely student run. The committee made an effort to select a book that would appeal to different ages both male and female. They also wanted a story that would “spark discussion”. (Click here to read more.)
Just a little bit about the novel:
Unwind is a science fiction novel that takes place in the United States after a civil war in the near future. The civil war is fought over abortion, and a compromise is reached in which unwanted children can be “unwound”, or have their body parts harvested for later use. This book has a controversial aura and will most likely spark avid discussions amongst students and teachers (read more).
Unwind (2007), is the first in Shusterman’s four-part series. A movie is in the making with an expected release in 2015.
Copies of the book are going fast, according to Magnoni. Reserve a copy now.