Above: Interested in a part time job “accounting for” Finn School K-1 kids headed to and from their after school activities? (photo from school website)
If you are looking for some part time work, the Southborough Recreation Department is hiring this fall.
The application deadline is Friday. (And you should note that town offices close at 12:30 pm on Fridays. So, act quickly!)
If you’re looking for “mother’s hours” this won’t fit the bill. But if your schedule is flexible, and you enjoy being around kids, it could be a good fit.
The department’s message shared:
Monitor for after school programs
Looking for a monitor for the Finn School location. Responsible for making sure all children participating in the Recreation after school programs (RAP) are accounted for each day. There are 5, 6 week sessions, Monday – Friday. Hours are 2:30 – 4:15.
Please contact the office if you are interested and ask for Jenn. 508-229-4452
Deadline: August 15, 2014