It’s time for another open thread. What’s on your mind this week, Southborough?
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(Photo by Beth Melo)
Just a thought as I was driving down Marlborough Road…….when the possible demolition of the Burnett house was made public, people were up in arms and raised hell, yet St. Mark’s School has torn down a building and nobody made a peep.
What building? And when did it happen?
Not exactly sure which building was there….but maybe the science building. You can’t miss it…….it’s the big hole surrounded by heavy equipment.
Who was the drunk that painted the white lines on RT 85 and main st?
Was thinking the same thing when I drove on 85 yesterday!
Barn/Estate/Moving Sale. Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9-2 8/22- 8/24. 194 Southville rd, Southborough.Rain or Shine. Everything you could imagine and then some! Come by for some treasures and fun! Feel free to post if you are looking for something particular that we might have. Hope to see you there!
does anyone know how/where I can dispose of some old TVs? We seemed to have accumulated them over the years and need the same they are taking up!
If they work, I know Savers takes TV’s.
I am not sure but I think best buy will take them for free. you should call to verify. Good luck
thank you so much! Best Buy took them!
Seems like there are more foxes in town than ever. Must we be afraid of them being rabid? Lately I have sighted, three times a fox, who was too close to me for comfort. Don’t know if was the same one each time, but each time the fox was not the least intimidated by me, nor my car. It actually turned and “stared” at me, so I did not get out of my car. I know it is unusual for foxes to attack people, but it does happen and more frequently lately. Should animal control be notified, do we have animal control ? If anyone could reply to my concerns, I would appreciate.
Mr. Foley. . . Do the Southborough bylaws allow store owners to charge for parking, or do they have to have a permit to do so?
Cordelia I am not sure if you have me confused with some one else. I wouldn’t have much knowledge on the Southboro bylaws. I fix cars for a living. But you do have me curious now as to what your referring to.
Any one have any advice for Southville Village residents who have a developer looking to put four two family rentals on what was a lot with one house?
The lot apparently is large enough but one of the biggest concerns is the displaced water table followed closely by an increase in traffic on an already dangerous intersection. I hear horns honking and all the time from the corner of Parkerville and Southville and watch speeding cars fly by at all hours. Throwing another 10+ cars and 8 families in this spot is crazy.
An area that had no real flooding until the Southwood developments appeared, will have lots more if this plan is allowed to go forth as proposed. The previous owner of my house had sheetrock walls in the basement that was decades old and showed no signed of water damage. Soon after we moved in it was removed after three feet of water came in during an overnight storm ruining 1/3 of what we had yet to unpack. I now have two active sump pumps and check them religiously before any heavy rain storm.
I’m worried that the variance being requested by the developer/selectman will be favored without considering the neighborhood, the water table, and the character of the Southville Village.
I wonder how this plan fits into the town’s own Master Plan.
The hearing is at 9:15PM on Wednesday the 27th at 17 Common Street. Come by if you can.
Is canoeing allowed in the Sudbury river in town? If so, are there any put in spots? We’ve paddled around hopkinton state park, was looking for something close that might be a change of pace. Seems like it might be interesting along the train tracks and along the south side of town, but I really have no idea.
Im not sure if it is allowed but as a kid I did attempt to canoe there. I remember not getting very far with out having to get out and carry the canoe past several areas .But that was 30 plus years ago.
If you can find a copy, Ron McAdow, former Executive Director of the Sudbury Valley Trustees, wrote a terrific and useful book on this subject. Here’s an Amazon link:
Yard Sale on Saturday, September 6th, from 8:00 to 1:00 at 11 Fairview Drive in Southborough. Lots of boys’ toys, tables & chairs and many other interesting finds.
Here we go again…………………… parking on road, id est, Middle rd. causing a real problem. Drivers just drop their cars on road, then attend meetings at Fay school. This evening there was something going on there, and not only were the stationary cars a problem, but the aggressive drivers exiting the school were circumventing parked cars, making the road surface even more narrow. Daytime drop offs and pick ups will be starting and we, the residents, should’nt have to deal with this dangerous situation. No way could an emergency vehicle get through this mess. And we should not have to go out of our neighborhood to get home by bypassing Middle Rd. Fay should provide additional parking for “events” and place parking persons to monitor the situation, which is an accident waiting to happen.