Right: If you haven’t bought your school supplies yet, better get on it! School starts up this week. (Image posted to Flickr by Benjamin Chun)
There is a free matinee for seniors this week. Otherwise things in town are quiet as all attention turns to the start of school.
(If you are looking for more information on heading back to school this week – look for posts under School News. Recent coverage includes school news highlights, bus routes, and upcoming early dismissal dates.)
Tuesday, August 26, 2014:
- Woodward Curriculum Night (2nd Graders 3:30 – 4:30 pm; 3rd Graders 5:00 – 6:00 pm) @ Woodward Elementary School: Open House for parents and students to visit their new classrooms and incoming students to look around their new school.
- LEGO® Robotics Info Meeting (7:00 pm) @ Southborough Library, Eaton Meeting Room, Lower Level: Representatives from the Algonquin Robotics Team will be having an “Informational Meeting” for parents interested in learning more about FIRST® LEGO® League for ages 9-14.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014:
- Free Senior Matinee (12:00 – 1:45 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Las Vegas – A comedy starring Robert DeNiro, Michael Douglas, and Morgan Freeman. Semi-retired baby boomers look to relive their glory days on a Bachelor Party trip to Las Vegas. The room will be open at 11:30 for anyone who wants to bring their lunch.
Thursday, August 28, 2014:
- First Day of Southborough Public Schools and Algonquin Regional High School – Grades 1-12
- Kindergarten Orientation @ Finn School
- Class of 2018 First Day @ Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School
- Welcome Back Ice Cream Social (5:00 – 7:00 pm) @ Neary School
Friday, August 29, 2014:
- First Day of Kindergarten @ Finn School
Updated (8/25/14, 10:20 am): I had forgotten to include the Robotics information meeting for parents on Tuesday night.
Do you know if the age of 9 is by the beginning of the school year or by a certain date (concerning the Lego Robotics team)?
I had the same question for them at Summer Nights. I was told that younger than 9 is fine.
The strict restriction is at the end date of 14. The competition regulations won’t allow them to have 15 year olds on the team (who should at that age join a high school team.) There is no real minimum age – just what the coaches feel is appropriate. So if you have someone who will turn 9 soon that you think would enjoy the league – you are welcome to learn more at the library tonight.