Above: In February 2013, AVRT Superintendent Mary Jo Nawrocki was glowing in the photo announcing her plans to retire last summer. Now, she’s back at the school this fall to “maintain the course” while the school seeks a new Superintendent (Contributed photo)
Last month, Superintendent Patrick Collins of Assabet Valley Technical Regional High School announced his resignation. This week, the school committee was tasked with appointing an interim Superintendent.
Southborough Wicked Local reported that a familiar face is at the helm now. Following only one year of retirement from the spot, former Superintendent Mary Jo Nawrocki has agreed to a temporary return:
Nawrocki, who was already in the superintendent’s office Wednesday, will work in the district for a minimum of three days a week during her stint as interim school chief. Nawrocki spent 38 years at Assabet, spending her last four-and-a-half as superintendent before retiring last summer.
She said yesterday that she views he job as to “just maintain the course,” ensuring that the school, which is in the middle of a $62 million renovation project, is ready to open for the start of classes.
Nawrocki said that the details of her contract for the interim position haven’t yet been finalized.
When Collins resigned last month, he and the School Committee issuing a joint statement citing philosophical differences. His resignation came after a period of turmoil when he was accused of trying to oust well-liked principal Mark Hollick. Collins has since been appointed as Lincoln-Sudbury’s business manager.
For the full SWL article, click here.
The announcement comes just in time for the start of school this week. Freshmen will begin their orientation and classes this Thursday. Upper classmen will return on Tuesday, September 2nd.