Right: The DPW’s new collection box is convenient for driving by to drop off your transfer station “mail-in” permit. (Photo from town website)
A reader’s question to me reminded me that the deadline for getting your Transfer Station permit is looming.
Since it’s earlier than past years, and I’m sure many of you were away when I ran the post below this summer, I’m re-running it.
Department of Public Works has posted to the town website the information you need to get your 2014-15 Transfer Station permits.
They have also provided some helpful tips for the least expensive ways to register.
Don’t forget to register by September 15. After that, a late fee will apply. (Or, as marketed by DPW this year, get it early for a discount!) Click here for the rate sheet.
If you are reading this post, you must have internet access. The easiest way for you to pay may be online. But you should know:
- You can’t register online (despite what is indicated on rate sheet) if you are a senior, have moved here within the last 6 months, or lease your car.
- Credit card payment costs an extra $10 in convenience fees
- Paying by electronic check (providing your bank routing # and checking account # ) only costs an extra 25¢.
For those of you using the “mail in” form:
- If you are eligible to pay online – don’t walk-in the office. That would cost you an extra $20. (Exception – seniors and brand new residents don’t have to pay that fee.)
- For those of you who griped about buying a stamp last year – you don’t have to mail it. You can just drive by and drop it off in their shiny new aluminum collection box. (Please don’t use the black mailbox!)
- Make sure you include copies of all necessary “proofs”. (I’ve been advised that for seniors whose spouse have a different last name, proof should include some kind of proof of marriage.)
Avoiding future costs:
- Apply for your 2nd car at the same time, even if you’re not sure you’ll use it. 2nd permits are included for free with original application. But a $15-25 fee applies if you register at a later time.
- If you change cars during the year, be sure to save the original sticker! (Even if all you manage to scrape off are shavings.) The rules now state:
- A replacement sticker with return of the original sticker is free.
- Replacing the permit for the same license plate # without returning original costs $10.
- If you don’t have the original sticker, plus it is for a new plate #, the cost is $50.*
To read the new regulations, click here.
[*Editor’s Note: I misstated the policy when I covered the June Board of Selectmen meeting. At the time, DPW Director Karen Galligan explained that in that scenario, the permit would be treated as a “third sticker”. I misunderstood, and wrote, as “new sticker”.]