Above: Two very different moments shared by the SFD from the same Main Street intersection. (Photo from SFD’s Facebook page. Check it out for more pictures.)
The Southborough Fire Department logs still are still on hold.*
Luckily, the department has continued making use of its Facebook page.
Here’s some of the highlights:
Crash at routes 85 & 30 – October 1
Group 1 on the job today. Motor vehicle accident intersection of Rt 30 and Rt 85. No injuries. Please use caution going through the area. Also, we’d like to thank the Fallon EMS crew that stopped to help. EMTs Dan Couming and Erin Hogan.
Filling the boot – October 3
FF Scott Navaroli leading the charge today with raising money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. You will see our crews at the intersection of Rt 30 and 85. This is a voluntary till to “fill the boot.” It is a long standing tradition that firefighters have, raising money to help the MDA. Please feel free to donate or give them a beep as you go buy!
Promo for Heritage Day – October 6
Are you in town for Heritage Day? That’s also the day we have the fire dept open house. We will also be selling chilli and hot dogs! We hope to see you there. October 13, 2014. (Columbus Day)
[Editor’s Note: Chief Joseph Mauro also shared directly with me that the open house will include Fire House tours, showing the apparatus, and interactive events for the kids.]
Mourning a loss – October 8
Another sad day in the fire service. We mourn a brother firefighter that lost his life in the line of duty for the City of Hartford Connecticut.
[Editor’s note: You can learn more about that incident here.]
For more posts, go straight to the source: the Southborough Fire Department Facebook page.
*As I previously reported, the Police and Fire Departments began use of their new CAD (computer aided dispatch) in August. Eventually, the Fire logs will be published again. But for now, the department’s higher priority is becoming proficient with using the system.