Above: The Southborough School Committee heard from school officials about MCAS results for three of the schools under their charge. (Photos of Woodward and Neary from school websites; photo of Trottier by Susan Fitzgerald)
Last month, I shared MCAS results for the town and asked what you thought. Last week, school officials told the Southborough School Committee what they think.
Southborough Wicked Local covered Wednesday’s School Committee meeting:
Assistant Superintendent Greg Martineau presented Southborough MCAS trends to the school committee at its Wednesday night meeting, noting steady increases in test scores through the years. Southborough scores from the spring of 2014 were fairly stagnant, but continue to improve.
In the district, 87 percent of students scored proficient or higher in English Language Arts (ELA), and 77 percent were proficient or higher in math. ELA scores were consistently higher than math scores in the district, though the student growth report – which measures individual student growth in one year compared to similarly scoring students from the year before – showed equal improvement.
Since 2011, Martineau said more students continually score in the “advanced” range and fewer in the “needs improvement” and warning range.
Superintendent Christine Johnson said scores from year to year appear stagnant, but each grade level shows improvement as it moves up the ranks.
Officials plan to hold a communiy meeting on November 20th to address the scores and answer questions. It will take place in Trottier’s auditorium at 6:30 pm.
You can read the full SWL story here.