Above: Is it a butterfly or a moth? Southborough children will learn next week. (photo from Flickr by Deanster1983 who’s mostly off for a while)
Hands on Nature will be at the Southborough Library on Wednesday, April 1 at 3:45 pm:
What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth? Children can find out in this exciting program that includes live butterflies in a “butterfly tent”!
This program is for children ages 5-8 years old. Registration is required.
Supported by the Southborough Community Fund, a Fund of the Foundation for MetroWest.
Updated (3/20/15 12:10 pm): The event was scheduled for next Wednesday. But I just learned that the caterpillars didn’t stick to the schedule.
Lazy buggers just started making their chrysalis. So, we’ll have to wait an extra week for butterflies.