Annual Town Meeting opened at 7:00 pm tonight. Four hours later, it has been continued to 7:30 pm on Tuesday.
Still up are articles 18-33. (Article 34 jumped the line, and ended up being the only one voted down.
One item that was expected to be pulled is back on for a vote. Earlier this evening the Historical Commission reversed its decision to pull the Demolition Delay bylaw.
Apparently, their earlier decision was based on incorrect information. The board was mistakenly advised that the bylaw would need a 2/3 majority to pass. They were also told that if rejected, the board would need to wait 2 years to try again.
In fact, a simple majority is the threshold. And there is no two year rule.
It’s been a long night – so, my coverage of the meeting will wait until tomorrow!
I would like to remind residents that even if someone or a board or committee claims a warrant article is going to be pulled from town meeting, there is in fact only one way to pull it off the town warrant, that is at town meeting. This is why you need to go to town meeting even if something important to you is being claimed not to move forward.