Why flags are at half staff: June 23, 2015

Flags in Southborough and across the state are flying at half staff  in honor of on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 in honor of Master Sergeant Neil J. Morrison, United States Army, of Newburyport, MA who died at home on May 29, 2015.

For more details, click here.

(photo from Susan Fitzgerald)

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Souse Bro
9 years ago

I just don’t get it. The only ties this serviceman has to Ma. is his mother and her 2nd husband live in Newburyport. He wasn’t born here, raised here or even stationed here. My Dad was also a Sgt., lived here all his life, guarded German POW’s on the rails in Buffalo, NY and the flag didn’t come down for his death. I guess it’s just who you know…

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