Southborough cub reporter interviews Frozen’s “Elsa” and lets go in front of thousands

Shayna Rose's interview of Idina MenzelThis spring, I shared the story of Woodward’s Shayna Rose. The 2nd grader with her own weekly class newspaper had scored a big interview with Governor Charlie Baker.

Though school is out, Shayna hasn’t stopped her presses. The cub reporter snagged face time with the voice behind the beloved Frozen character Elsa.

This summer, Shayna attended an Idina Menzel concert. Not only did she get a back stage interview, she got to sing “Let it Go” with the star in front of 10,000 people.

Click the “paper” to open the full story in her own words.

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Chris Rose
9 years ago

Here is Shayna singing with Idina Menzel on Youtube at the concert you can cut and paste…..

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