Above: What do you get when you combine the producers of Neary’s 2014 Jungle Book Jr. production with the script from Peter Pan Jr? Hopefully a rollicking time for the whole cast. (Image Left from Skyrise, Right posted to Flickr by St. George’s School)
Whether your child “hearts” fairies and mermaids or loves pirates and crocodiles, one school musical this year is sure to please.
Fourth and fifth grade students are invited to join the cast of Neary School’s Peter Pan Jr. production. For the third year, the school has outsourced the drama program to Skyrise Children’s Theater:
Throughout the rehearsal process, students will learn a 60 minute version of the classic tale with popular songs “I won’t grow up, and Never Never Land”. Each child will learn stage presence, responsibility of learning a part, and working as a team to put an amazing performance at the end of the rehearsal process.
The production is run as an after school program (so, there is a registration fee.) Due to the popularity of the program, it’s split into two casts. Each cast meets weekly (on Wednesday or Friday) from mid-October through February. There are a few extra rehearsals on dates closer to the performance.
Casts each perform two public shows during the last week of February. (Performance tickets are sold separately.)
Registration is open until September 25th. But it’s a popular program and capped at 50 students per cast. So don’t hold off signing up!
[Note: Neither the online registration or form has a complete schedule of rehearsals. But you can find that on Skyrise’s website.]
To register online, click here. For the mail-in/drop-off form, click here.