Concerned about open meeting and conflict laws? Take note

Last spring, some residents expressed concern that the Town’s elected and appointed officials aren’t educated enough on the laws they need to abide.

Town Clerk Jim Hegarty is seeking to remedy that.  The Town is hosting a presentation by state officials on Open Meeting Law and Conflict of Interest Laws.

In addition to Town officials, Hegarty is extending the invitation to all residents.

He is also encouraging residents to submit advance questions. (So, even if you can’t attend, you can make sure issues you care about are addressed.)

The Southborough Town Clerk’s Office invites all Southborough residents to attend a presentation on the Open Meeting Law and Conflict of Interest Laws. The presentation by officials from the Attorney General’s Office and the State Ethics Commission will be held on Thursday October 15, 2015 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Road in Southborough.

Because some town residents have expressed concern about transparency in local government, violations of Open Meeting Law and potential issues of Conflicts of Interest, we decided to ask the experts from the Attorney General’s Office and the State Ethics Commission to come to town and explain these laws. The more we can help our volunteer and elected official understand these laws, the better we will all comply with them. 

Every appointed and elected official and every Southborough Town department head has received an invitation to this event. We would also like the citizens of Southborough to attend as well.

If anyone has any questions they would like to ask the presenters, please send an email to and I will send it to the presenters in advance of the meeting.

If anyone ever has any questions, suggestions or criticisms, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Thank you!

Jim Hegarty
Town Clerk
Town of Southborough
(508) 485-0710 x 3007

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