Long Weekend at a Glance: Troop 1 cookout, St. Anne’s parish picnic, and Preschool Story Time resumes

Above: This weekend, Boy Scouts celebrate their 100 year anniversary and a parish celebrates having the community back in town.

If you observe Jewish holidays and/or have children in Southborough public schools, it’s another long weekend.

The forecast may be less than stellar. But it doesn’t look like it will interfere with gatherings planned. So, celebrate the start of fall at these community eat and greets.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

  • Troop 1’s 100 year anniversary cookout (4:00 – 8:00 pm) @ Pilgrim Church,15 Common Street: Southborough’s first Boy Scout troop is marking its centennial. The troop is planning a cookout to mark the milestone. Past, present, and future members of Troop 1 and their families are invited to the event: They will be serving Burgers, Hot Dogs, Salads, and Desserts If you are looking for more information on the party, or have pictures to share with them, email troopis100@gmail.com.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

  • St. Anne’s Church parish picnic (11:30 am) @ 20 Boston Road: Rain or shine. All are welcome to join in the fun – enjoy delicious food, games for all ages and music. Catch up with your neighbors and meet new friends! The festivities take place following their 10:30 am mass. Lunch food will be provided, but attendees are asked to bring along a dessert to share. (If showers rain on the outdoor fun, they’ll move the festivities inside the hall.) For more information, call the parish office at (508) 485-0141.

Monday, September 14, 2015 (Rosh Hashanah)

  • No public school in Southborough
  • Annual Fall Fair Craft Workshop (9:30 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: Craft Workshop to prepare for Senior Center’s Annual Fall Fair (which will take place on November 21st.) The organizing committee is inviting seniors to “Come and see what they are making and get involved!”
  • Preschool Story Time – resuming for fall (10:30 – 11:15 am) @ Southborough Library Children’s Room: This story time is for children age 2-5 years and their parents or caregivers. Each week will feature several stories and a craft based on a theme. Drop-in, no registration required. The program is repeated 3 mornings per week (Mon, Tues, & Wed) most weeks during the school year. There are occasional breaks in the schedule.

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