Above: Senior Center social groups kick off their fall seasons this week, both inviting potential new members to drop in and enjoy a bite at their socials. (Images from flyers below)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week. For more details and the full list, check the Event Calendar.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
- Neary Principal’s Coffee (9:30 am) @ Neary School
- Preschool Story Time (resuming for fall) (10:30 – 11:15 am) @ Southborough Library, Children’s Room: This story time is for children age 2-5 years and their parents or caregivers. Each week will feature several stories and a craft based on a theme. Drop-in, no registration required. The program is repeated 3 mornings per week (Mon, Tues, & Wed) most weeks during the school year. There are occasional breaks in the schedule.
- Neary Instrument Rental Night (7:00 pm) @ Trottier Middlle School
- Girl Scout registration/info night (7:00 – 8:30 pm) @ Mary Finn Elementary School cafeteria: f you are interested in signing up your daughter or learning more about it, come to the the annual Girl Scouts registration night. This night is really for the parents. You will have the chance to fill out forms and ask questions. But if you do bring along your daughter, she’s bound to see some friends and they’ll have something (like coloring pages) to keep the girls occupied. For more information on the town program, call 508-481-3022 or e-mail carole54@aol.com.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
- Early Dismissal of Southborough Public Schools
- Woodward school picture day
Exciting Women’s Circle (10:00 am – 12:00 pm; or however long you can stay) @ Southborough Senior Center: Senior Center’s social circle for ladies. The group will reconvene as we start another year of fun, food, and sharing! New members are always welcome. If you have the time, bring a sharing sample of a favorite food (possibly something from your past) and share the recipe. For more information, call the Senior Center at 508-229-4453
- Preschool Story Time (resuming for fall) (10:30 – 11:15 am) @ Southborough Library, Children’s Room: This story time is for children age 2-5 years and their parents or caregivers. Each week will feature several stories and a craft based on a theme. Drop-in, no registration required. The program is repeated 3 mornings per week (Mon, Tues, & Wed) most weeks during the school year. There are occasional breaks in the schedule.
- Senior Center Open House (11:00 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: You are welcome to stop by for a casual Open House to see our new Hallway and Kitchen area
- Neary Open House/Curriculum Night (6:00 – 8:00 pm) @ Neary School
Thursday, September 17, 2015
- Baby and Toddler Story Time (11:00 am – 11:30 am) @ : This story time is for children age 0-2 years and their parents or caregivers. Each session will include puppets, stories, and music. Drop-in, no registration required. This program takes place most weeks throughout the school year, except for holidays and school breaks.
Friday, September 18, 2015
- Neary Picture on the Hill
- Chair Volleyball (8:30 am) @ Southborough Senior Center, Cordaville Road: Seniors are invited to join the fun No experience necessary—your body has to stay in the chair (which makes it so much more fun) — great to move (as much as possible Or come watch the fun if that works best for you!
It’s OK to be Dull Barbecue (11:00 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: This will be a special meeting to introduce new men to The Dull Men’s Club – a group of friendly guys who meet weekly and solve the world’s problems as only a group of Dull Men can do it! Join us for a good ol’fashion cookout with burgers, dogs and all the fixin’s as only a dull men can prepare “em. Please sign up at the Senior Center so there’ll be a burger waiting for YOU! You can call 508-229-4453 (Details about DMC in flyer)
Click flyers to enlarge