Above: Allowing parking in the dead end of Ward Road is one of many ways the Trail Committee would like to improve access to the Sudbury Reservoir Trail. (Image from Google Maps)
The Sudbury Reservoir Trail runs through our town. But as a representative of the Trails Committee told Selectmen this week, many residents aren’t aware of it. Of those that are, many have trouble accessing it.
That’s about to change. The committee has worked out an agreement to take over management of a significant section of the trail. The segment runs along the aquaduct from the Northborough border through Deerfoot Road.
Member Dan Guilford updated Board of Selectmen on their plans this week. The agreement will allow them and the town to make improvements. One of their biggest goals is increasing accessibility.
Several upcoming improvement projects were outlined for the board. (Scroll down for those, including some great Eagle Scout projects.)
But this wasn’t just an update. The committee was also seeking feedback on adding parking at an access point on Ward Road.
Guilford pointed out that many residents can’t safely walk to the trail. From what he’s learned, when it comes to parking at trails “if you build it, they will come.”
Selectwoman Bonnie Phaneuf advised holding a future hearing with invitations to area residents. She also wanted feedback at the hearing from the Fire Department, since Ward Road is the emergency access point to the land. (Earlier this summer, the Fire Department posted pics of putting out a brush fire there.)
Town Administrator Mark Purple recommended the committee meet with Public Works and the Fire Department to create a proposed plan before scheduling a hearing.
When Chair John Rooney asked to talk through issues at their next meeting, Guilford clarified that his committee wasn’t expecting to act that quickly. They were just looking for guidance on the process.
As for the other improvements, those rely mainly on volunteers with additional help from Public Works.
Eagle Scout projects include:
- Adding stairs at a Route 30 entrance that currently requires crossing a berm
- Building a 30 ft footbridge over a creek that cuts the path.
- Adding a cross country trail for use by Trottier’s team. The trail will be marked and somewhat graded (to avoid turned ankles).
Public Works will help by moving crosswalks to improve and clarify access points.
For the section of trail from Route 85 to Partridge Hill Road, they will be recruiting volunteers to help clear and clean.
(Want to help? Swing by their booth at Heritage Day. Or check out their website for more information.)
Updated (9/29/15 10:50 am): I had listed Guilford as the Trails Committee chair. He is the former chair. Dan Frank is the current chair.
The Southborough Trails Committee will be conducting a trail cleanup on October 31, 2015, from 9am – 12pm along the Sudbury Reservoir Trail, from Route 85 to White Bagley Road. If you’re interested in helping, please email the committee at stc01772@gmail.com. Right now, we’ll probably all meet near Route 85, possibly the lower lot at the Woodward School on Route 85. Look for updates soon.
Does the trail has poison ivy that has encroached on it?