I reached out to Heritage Day exhibitors about what they’ll be up to on Monday. I was a bit overwhelmed by the response. (Which is why I’ve had to run so many posts on the festival today!)
I only heard back from about half of the exhibitors, but was impressed by all they have to offer.
To reach the community, local businesses are offering a whole lot of incentives to stop at their booths. Be on the lookout for free:
- face painting
- martial arts board breaking
- caricatures
- prize wheels
- prize drawings
- and giveaways
There are also a bunch of local vendors selling goods/wares and even more selling food.
Here are the details:
Free activities, giveaways, and prizes
Middlesex Savings Bank
Free face painting; Giveaways (pencils, bubbles, key chains, and seeds); Explaining the Fun Club kids account. (For every savings account we open we make a donation to Polar Bears international. For every 100 accounts we open we adopt a Polar Bear. The club also offers rewards and prizes)
Collins and Demac Real Estate
Free face painting from 11-2; free drawing for a Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
Santander Bank
Drawing for a $25 movie ticket
Sew Studio Southborough
Free drawing for gift certificates and sewing baskets
Simply Stephanie Interiors, Inc
Free drawing for a free 90 minute in-home consultation. (To consult on decorating ideas, room plans, and/or paint colors. I can also make and/or implement suggestions to help refine a homeowners decorating needs.)
Marlboro Orthodontics
Free drawing – Guess how many gumballs and you could win an electric toothbrush bundle worth $150. Giveaways (dentaland school related item).
Marlborough Savings Bank
Free drawing to win $50 gift certificate to Mauro Café. Prize wheel ( beach ball, hacky sack, flashlight, Frisbee, etc.)
Premier Martial Arts
Free board breaking and selfie booth with Body Opponent Bag. Prize wheel for free/discounted lessons. Promoting free Bully Proof Workshop to honor National Bully Prevention Month.
S and L Therapy
Free caricatures; Free Giveaways (miniature airplanes, frisbees, balloons, etc.) While you are visiting us, you can also speak with a speech therapist about speech and language development questions and find out more about our services.
Free drawing for free tupperware
Silpada Designs
Free gift worth $25 to the first 50 people to stop by the booth.
Sandie Rossini
Free drawing for a sandie rossini gift bag including shirts, a calendar, journal, greeting cards and more. (A $250 value)
Vendors selling goods
Silpada Designs
925 Sterling Silver Jewelry and genuine gemstones plus a line of Brass Fashion jewelry (K&R). Also selling fun scarves.
Selling tupperware items. Plus a drawing for free tupperware
Carol Lebeaux – Silhouettes
I have been cutting portrait silhouettes at the Heritage Day Fair for many years. As one of the only 20 or so professional silhouette artists in the whole country we are very much appreciated. It only takes a few minutes to cut a portrait silhouette free-hand! For as little as $33. one can have a family heirloom to be enjoyed for generations.
iDazz Custon Designs
Custom jewelry – handmade with a vintage flair
I make “fun and functional accessories and hair fashions for the young and young-at-heart.” I make everything from basic hairclips to woven headbands, including colorful ponytail streamers, bottlecap creations (including bookmarks and hairclips), hair flower clips, hair bows, bobby pins, embellished beanie hats, and many other items.
Leeds Land Farm Crafts
items from wool grown on the farm that has been hand spun by her . Woolen items have been dyed with natural plant dyes that are grown in Southborough. Suzanne knits, felts or weaves : hats, mittens , scarves, slipper, socks and also weaves rugs and has some yarn to sell. I am bringing my spinning wheel to demonstrate during the day.
Sarah B
hand printed textiles, home decor accessories and note cards.
Second Chance Designs
mittens , fingerless mittens,wreaths,ornaments, bags, etc. made from recycled wool sweaters and materials
Sunny Window
We’ll be selling our French lavender, lavender products, fine olive oil soaps and natural body care products. Sunny Window is familiar to a lot of Southborough folks because the business started out in Southborough way back in 1981. We moved to Newton in 2012 when the original owner retired, and since then we’ve grown quite a lot. Sunny Window is a family business and my son Ian works with me at shows and in the studio making our top-quality lavender pillows, sachets, aromatherapy sprays and more. We are looking forward to returning to Heritage Day and seeing so many longtime customers – as well as meeting many new ones!
Tara Leeds Pyrography
wooden objects: plaques, boxes, signs, and tables that have been wood burned(pyrography).
Skyrise Children’s Theater
Face painting for $5 and promoting the new 2015-16 season
Sandie Rossini
Items for Sale at Heritage Day: Positive Statement apparel for Women, Men & children, Journals, Greeting Cards, Daily Inspiration Cards, and Calendars. A portion of the proceeds from my sales will go to cancer research. (Note about Sandie: Sandie was born and raised here in Southboro and is now a current resident, proud to be raising her two daughters in her hometown. In 2013 Sandie was diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer and has been battling the disease bravely for over 2 years. She prides herself in fighting with dignity, grace and positivity. Sandie currently sells items online and donates a portion of the proceeds from each sale to cancer research. Her goal is to inspire others to deal with life/s challenges with hope, faith and positivity.)
Food Vendors
Fudge and Stuff
homemade fudge made in small batches with minimum ingredients
Joni’s Cannoli’s
Cannoli with gourmet fillings (pistachio, raspberry and tiramisu and apple cinnamon are just a few). Fillings are made daily and shells filled on the spot, to ensure freshness and quality.
Southborough House of Pizza
Tomasso Trattoria
meatball and sausage sandwiches for $5
Trombetta Farm-Creamery
Yama Fuji
sushi and Chinese food
Yummy Mummy Brownies
brownies, cookies, pumpkin whoopie pies and a few other treats from the bakery.
(I already included the following food booths on the fundraising page, but wanted to make sure anyone looking for food vendors knew about them, too!)
Clash of the Cupcakes (Girl Scouts)
For $2, Participants can decorate their own cupcake at our booth, and then enter a competition to win “best cupcake” of their age division. (See fundraising post for details.)
Southborough Girl Scouts Troop 75014
Bake Sale
Boy Scouts Troop 1
Selling Hot Dogs, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Soda, Cookies, Hot Chocolate, Coffee
Southborough Firefighters Association
Selling award winning chili made by one of our firefighters along with hot dogs.
Friends of the Southborough Library
Bake Sale in library parking lot
(Photos by Beth Melo from Summer Nights and Heritage Day 2014)