Above: Chairs of the drive and the Food Pantry revel in the town’s generosity while also reminding us to check those expiration dates! (Photo from Facebook)
Saturday’s Scouting for Food drive was a great success. Scouts hauled in over 10,000 lbs of donated food.
Congratulations and thank you to all that helped: residents who generously donated, scout families who gave their time, drive organizers and the tireless volunteers of the Southborough Food Pantry.
But, the drive doesn’t have to be over. Organizers are hoping that after stragglers bring in missed donations this week, they can top the 2011 high.
So if you forgot to put out your bag, swing by a town church this week. Here’s where you can drop donations (this week or anytime):
- Pilgrim Church – side entry opposite Town Hall
- St. Anne’s Church – inside front door of Church or at the entry to the Parish Hall
- St. Mark’s Church – in the narthex of the Church or in the foyer of the Parish Hall
- St. Matthew’s Church – inside the front door of the Church
Here’s the pantry’s Facebook post celebrating and documenting the day:
Thank you so much to everyone who put out that bag of food this morning!
If you missed it, donations can still be left at any of the churches.
A lot of work and a lot to be proud of by everyone – the Town of Southborough and all the Scouts.Posted by Southborough Food Pantry on Saturday, November 7, 2015