Above: Family friendly fun tonight through two school fundraisers. (Images of Cold Stone ice cream from Facebook and illusionist cropped from Lynn Dillie’s website.)
Highlights from events around (or related to) our town this weekend.
Friday, November 13, 2015
- Woodward ice cream social (5:30 – 7:30 pm) @ Woodward School: Woodward SOS fundraiser.
This event features our beautiful FUN filled baskets created by students and their families as well as our ever popular Gym Games with Mrs Duggan and Ms Goode. The fun doesn’t stop there!! New this year are raffle chances to win special times with Woodward teachers. This could be “Art Time” with Mrs. Dubois or “Jam Session” with Mrs. Geeze or “Friday Games Night” with Mrs. Duggan and Ms. Goode. Also our pizza and ice cream social will be held in our cafeteria, and after you enjoy your meal, please visit our Scholastic Book Fair. Tickets can be purchased on Friday night, don’t forget to bring address labels to make filling out your raffle tickets easier. See you there!
- Vegas comes to Northborough (7:00 pm) @ Algonquin Regional High School, Bartlett Street, Northborough, MA: Algonquin’s DECA chapter is bringing in “Master Illusionist” Lyn Dillies for a special performance. The show as billed as “an enchanting, family friendly event”. For details, see dedicated post.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
- Saturday Art Workshops for Children (10:30 am – 12:00 pm) @ Southborough Library, Eaton Meeting Room: Children ages 5-10 are invited to be a part of monthly Saturday Art Workshops. Drop in to create some art! Use colored sand to paint a turkey or harvest picture. Registration is not required.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
- Fay School Admission Open House (1:00 – 3:30 pm) @ Fay School, 25 Middle Road: Learn more about Fay at our Admission Open House. You’ll have the opportunity to tour the campus, speak with teachers and administrators, and learn more about what it’s like to be a student at Fay. For details, see dedicated post.