Above: Image from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church website
A lot of fuss is being made about early Black Friday sales. But if you’re looking for some good Christmas shopping deals, you may want to hold off an additional week.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will hold its annual Christmas Bazaar on jam-packed Saturday, December 5th.
It’s a quick hop from downtown. So there’s plenty of time to check it out before or after Santa lands. The event will run from from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Parish Hall (map).
Admission to the bazaar is free. Inside this year is live music and a kids’ activity area.
But it’s really all about the fundraising sales. These include a White Elephant, Jewelry, Toy, and Craft Sales, Silent Auction, Games of Chance, and more.
The secondhand clothing shop, The Bargain Box, will hold its annual “Bag Sale”. (Purchase as much clothing as you can fit into the bag for $5.)
It’s also a great place to grab lunch or a snack while you’re running around that day.
Volunteers will be selling baked goods. Plus, their Café will offer soups, sandwiches and desserts 11:30 am – 1:30 pm.
Proceeds benefit the parish’s Youth Group Mission Trip and Southborough Food Pantry Fuel Assistance Program.
For more information, 508-481-1917 or info@stmarkssouthborough.com.