Above: The library will host Lego play and a puppet show to entertain kids over school break (Images left by Beth Melo and right from Pumpernickel Puppets website)
Here is a reminder of the few events around town this week.
First, here are the details for recurring recreational opportunities:
Vacation Open Gym (basketball)
Sessions take place in Trottier Middle School gym.
Enjoy a pick-up game in the gym with family and friends. Wear sneakers and bring basketballs. Under age 10 must be with an adult. $2 per person fee.
“Free Skate” and “Sticks and Pucks”
The free use of St. Mark’s School’s rink is open only to Southborough residents during these ours. Sessions take place at Gardener Rink, Michel Faculty Athletic Center, St. Mark’s School
No skate rentals – so bring your own equipment. (For full schedule click here.)
Plus, the library reopens this morning. This week, they are offering Lego play, puppets, and a PJ storytime. (The facility is back to regular hours this Monday – Wednesday. But it will close early, at 5:00 pm, on Thursday for a long New Years weekend.)
Monday, December 28, 2015
- Vacation Open Gym (basketball) (9:30 am – 12:00 pm)
- Legos at the Library (10:30 am – 4:00 pm) @ Southborough Public Library, Eaton Meeting Room: Drop in anytime – Children are welcome to come build with Legos, and display their creations in the Children’s Room. Legos will be provided, but all materials need to remain at the library. Parents or caregivers must stay with children during this event.
- Free Skate at St. Mark’s (1:10 – 2:10 pm)
- Sticks and Pucks at St. Mark’s (2:10 – 3:10 pm)
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
- Vacation Open Gym (basketball) (9:30 am – 12:00 pm)
- Puppets (11:00 am) @ Southborough Library, Main Level: Pumpernickel Puppets will be performing “Sir George and the Dragon.” All are welcome. Registration is not required.
- Free Skate at St. Mark’s (1:10 – 2:10 pm)
- Sticks and Pucks at St. Mark’s (2:10 – 3:10 pm)
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
- Vacation Open Gym (basketball) (9:30 am – 12:00 pm)
- Free Skate at St. Mark’s (1:10 – 2:10 pm)
- Sticks and Pucks at St. Mark’s (2:10 – 3:10 pm)
- Pajama Storytime (6:30 pm) @ Southborough Library, Eaton Meeting Room: This is a special story time for children. Come in your pajamas, listen to stories and enjoy hot chocolate
Sunday, January 3, 2016
- Free Skate at St. Mark’s (1:10 – 2:10 pm)
- Sticks and Pucks at St. Mark’s (2:10 – 3:10 pm)