Above: A driver charged with slamming into this Southborough Police patrol car went to court this week. (Photos contributed by Southborough Police Department)
An arrest made in August by Southborough Police made its way to court this week.
William Shields faced five charges for allegedly crashing into a police officer while under the influence and Assault and Battery on first responders. According to the SPD press release, the accused “admitted to sufficient facts” on the incident for four of the charges. (The fifth was dismissed.)
The court didn’t grant prosecution’s request for a guilty verdict with two years two years probation. Instead, four charges were “Continued Without a Finding” for a one year period. Shields’ license was suspended for 90 days and he has some work to do. The details are below:
The charges filed against Mr. William Shields of Southborough, in regards to the 8/22/15 crash with injury on Route 9 involving a Southborough Police Cruiser, were disposed of Monday before a Judge in Westborough District Court.
Six Charges (1. OUI Liquor 2. Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle 3. Failure to Use Care when Starting 4. Three Counts of A&B on Ambulance Personnel) were Continued Without a Finding (CWOF) for 1 year after the defendant admitted to sufficient facts. In addition, Mr. Shields’ license will be suspended for 90 days. He will have to complete a First Offender Program, Restitution (if any), a National Highway Safety Course, Letters of Apology, and Community Service of 20 hours at a medical facility. An additional charge of Interfering with a Firefighter was dismissed.
The Prosecutor’s Recommendation in the case had asked for a guilty plea, and two years of probation, to run concurrent with the first charge along with completion of the above listed terms and programs.
Kenneth M. Paulhus Chief of Police 12/29/15
This is crap all around. He should have had the book thrown at him. From initial reports he was a total jerk to the police officers, ambulance drivers and firefighters. In what world is this okay? Maybe we all need shirts that say “drunk jerks lives matter”. A huge fail by this judge.