Free indoor fun for tots in Southborough

Balmy December is behind us and winter is finally here. Which means that parents at home with toddler and preschoolers are bound to be spending more time indoors.

Before you can go stir crazy, I thought I’d remind you of (or introduce you to) resources in town to entertain your kids for free. Since these are weekly events, I don’t usually include them in my “events of the week” posts.

All of these are drop-in with no registration required.

Free indoor playtime

Southborough Recreation offers “Toddler Time” for residents on Friday mornings from 10:00 am to noon during the school year.

Infants – 5 year olds can stop by to run and jump in their 2nd floor gym at 21 Highland Street (in the South Union Building).

They have toys, games, balls and obstacles to jump, run and play with. It’s a great chance to meet new friends and families.

Library story times

The Southborough Library offers two different levels of story times during most of the school year. (There are weeks off, so double check their calendar.) 

Baby and Toddler Story Time

This story time is for children age 0-2 years and their parents or caregivers. Each session includes puppets, stories, and music. These take place Thursday mornings from 11:00 – 11:30 am.

Preschool Story Times

This story time is for children age 2-5 years and their parents or caregivers. Each week will feature several stories and a craft based on a theme. The story times repeat on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings from 10:30 – 11:30 am.

Once a month, you can also take advantage of Saturdays at Fay. The special entertainment programs do require registration, but they’re still free. This week, a children’s concert is scheduled with Jeannie Mack.

You can also borrow museum passes from the library including ones for the Discovery Children’s Museum in Acton, the Ecotarium, the Children’s Museum – Boston, and Museum of Science – Boston.

Have fun!

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