Above: Beavers on the Sudbury River have been causing some damming problems for residents. An expert will talk about “working with nature” to find “beaver solutions” (Photo by Beth Melo)
Southborough Open Land Foundation is sponsoring a talk by Beaver Solutions this month.
The decision to bring in the speaker was based on a growing population of beavers in town and the effect its having on nearby properties.
In the fall, I spoke to a resident abutting Sudbury River who “thanks” to a beaver dam was actually able to row a boat in her own yard! I learned a lot of fascinating things about beavers that day. Now it’s your turn.
Trapping the cute/industrious/pesky rodents is somewhat restricted. So what are your options? You can find out on February 23rd at the Southborough Library:
The beaver population in our area is growing rapidly and there are now numerous colonies in Southborough .and surrounding communities. If they begin to flood our property, what can we do?
Come to this presentation by Mike Callahan from Beaver Solutions LLC in Southampton, MA and find out what solutions are open to us when beavers begin to affect our property.
(click to enlarge)
Since 1999 Mike Callahan has been giving educational presentations and workshops to a wide range of audiences regarding beavers and effective beaver management strategies.
Recently, Mike installed a flow control device on the Sudbury River in Southborough to control flooding from a beaver dam. His presentation will cover general information about beavers; what they do and why they do it, as well as various methods to control flooding – from flow control devices to trapping.
The presentation will be at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 23, at the Southborough Library. For more information about this program go to www.solf.org.