Above: A potluck dinner is just part of an effort to promote increased friendship and respect throughout our multi-faith community. (image cropped from photo posted to flickr by Fort A.P. Hill)
The entire Southborough community is invited to come together to “strengthen the bonds of friendship.”
The hope is to “build bridges rather than erect walls” between people of differing (or no) faith.

The Potluck for Peace is organized by an interfaith group and hosted at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. It will take place Sunday, March 13 at 5:30 pm.
To participate, just whip up (or by) an appetizer, salad, entree, side or dessert to share. Non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.
RSVP is requested by calling 508-481-1917 or emailing interfaith@stmarkssouthborough.org.
Here are more details:
Southborough Interfaith “Potluck for Peace”
Neighbors for peace locally, nationally, and worldwide People of all faiths—and people who do not worship in a particular faith—are invited and encouraged to attend a community wide potluck meal to establish and strengthen the bonds of friendship amongst all people in Southborough. The meal will take place at St. Mark’s Church Parish Hall, 27 Main Street on Sunday, March 13 at 5:30pm. Please bring a dish to share!
The idea of a interfaith group germinated over a cup of coffee at Red Barn Cafe by a Muslim, Dr. Safdar Medina, and a Christian, The Rev. Phil LaBelle. They met last December as neighbors in Southborough to discuss ways to build bridges rather than erect walls in light of recent rhetoric in our country. Recognizing that both desired peace in their families, nation and world, it became clear that education and understanding about other religious beliefs would help address the uncertainty and fear that often arises when encountering someone different.
Our desire is to bring together a group of like-minded residents of Southborough and neighboring communities to establish the Southborough Interfaith Collaborative — a group that would promote peace and the respect and dignity of all people. We hope to accomplish this work through community social events, service projects, educational opportunities, and speaking for peace and understanding.
This inaugural event will be social in nature, providing a chance to meet neighbors across faiths and also an opportunity for those who may be interested in working together a chance to learn more. For those interested in participating in the collaborative but unable to attend this meal can send an email to Phil LaBelle, phil@stmarkssouthborough.org. We hope to see you on March 13!