Town hearings and meetings: St. Mark’s Solar, Deerfoot and Flagg roads, Medical Marijuana, and road acceptances

Some readers will want to save the dates for a few hearings popping up.

Most of these have yet to be posted on the Town website. (One is, but with very short notice.)

St. Mark’s Solar Panels at Planning Board
A hearing on St. Mark’s School’s solar array was scheduled for this week’s Planning Board meeting. But with two members absent (one unexpectedly), the school requested a delay.

The school’s attorney said they preferred to present to the full board. A new hearing was scheduled for their March 7th meeting. (Though the night’s agenda has yet to be updated online to reflect that.)

Road acceptance hearings at BOS
Yesterday afternoon, the Town finally posted the Board of Selectmen’s agenda hearings on road acceptances of Foxhill Drive and William Colleary Lane. They take place this coming Monday, February 29.

As of this week’s Planning Board meeting, the Open Space Preservation Commission was opposed to both acceptances. The developers were dismayed to learn this at the meeting – indicating issues could have been resolved sooner if they had been contacted. Both accepted last minute homework assignments.

All hoped that issues would be resolved in time for both committees to walk the sites prior to the February 29th meeting.

Marijuana Dispensary hearing and Warrant Article
On Monday, February 29, the BOS will discuss reopening the Town Warrant.

At their last meeting, Chair John Rooney indicated that residents are seeking a petition-based article on Marijuana Dispensary zoning changes. The sponsors were unavailable during school vacation week. So he had promised to hold off the discussion until Monday’s meeting.

Meanwhile, the dispensary that selectmen already wrote a letter for is set to appear before the ZBA in March. The agenda isn’t posted yet, but the Town tweeted the news this week:

Deerfoot Road and Flagg Road at BOS
At this week’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, Chair Leo Bartolini announced that the Board of Selectmen will hold another discussion on residents’ road safety concerns.

This one is the previously put off talk on Deerfoot and Flagg roads. Bartolini said he forwarded all the letters of concern about Deerfoot, and Lovers Lane to the BOS.

It is expected to take place on March 15th. Bartolini will be there with the ZBA’s consultant (paid for by Park Central developer, Capital Group Properties.)

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