Above: Weather may be spotty with rain in and out this week. But it’s better than six years ago this week, when several inches of rain flooded some basements in town. (photo by Chris Wraight).
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Wondering: any more contests in the elections.. especially for Selectmen? And pls. remind of deadline to take out papers… maybe this Friday and then next week to file? Or too late?
I’m restraining from my comments about concern I registered about a supply of new candidates when we went to five on the board and hoping some/one or?? have come forward. And…plenty of room in other offices unless there’s been a last minute rush. This
is the democracy we say we’re so proud of in New England… and it depends completely on us.
As of Tuesday, the only contested seat was Planning Board.
As I’ve posted multiple times, the deadline for pulling papers is noon today and Monday for filing. I’ll update readers on Tuesday about who to expect to see on the ballot.
Update – We have three potential candidates for Town Moderator. I learned that Bill Boland and Desiree Aselbekian pulled papers. (Stephen Morreale had already pulled papers.) That makes two potential races, but none for the BOS or school boards.
The deadline for filing papers is Monday at 5pm. Again, I plan to share the updated status on Tuesday.
Near this dam by Deerfoot Road Southborough’s first settler, Peter Bent, built a grist mill ca. 1664. The Parker family operated a mill here after the Bents, hence the name Parker Pond. After that it was the Sawin family’s grist mill and sawmill. Sawin’s mills thrived until about 1897 when Stony Brook was converted to a reservoir. There are photos of Sawin’s mills and adjacent Burnett’s ice house in the Massachusetts state archives, and they can be viewed or copied on the website Digital Commonwealth.
The dam in this photo and the adjacent Deerfoot Road granite arch are listed as contributing structures to the Wachusett Aqueduct Linear District in the National Register of Historic Places, US National Park Service….
Thank you for taking the time to post some of Southborough’s history. I drive by our waterfall nearly everyday. It’s nice to know something about it and the names attached to it :-)
Here is a link to a photo taken in 1898 of the same dam; looking north toward Main St. The house visible is the one opposite the end of Sears Rd. – originally owned by one of the Parker family (giving that part of town the name “Parkerville”) recently underwent significant renovations. http://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/t148g475q
Sawin’s mills are to the far left in this photo which was taken from behind the Burnett mansion.
In this view looking toward the Deerfoot Road bridge Sawin’s is at the extreme right. The shop on the left was built in 1847 to cut the stone for the Burnett mansion. It later became living quarters for the manager of Deerfoot Farm, was used for church services and for girl scout meetings among other uses. It still stands on the lot at 84 Main Street.
I just got notice of this event on Sunday:
“The Story behind the Burnett-Garfield House”: An Illustrated Talk
Sunday, March 20th from 12:30 to 3:00 pm
Southborough’s Historical Society Museum
25 Common Street
(Located behind Pilgrim Church)
There is a tremendous amount of fascinating history within the stone walls of the Burnett-Garfield House at 84 Main Street! Join Deborah Costine, member of The Friends of the Burnett-Garfield House, as she shares a fascinating 40-minute presentation of colorful stories and vintage photographs that depict the property, the Burnett family, and their generous legacy to the town. Presentations will begin at approximately 1:00 and 2:15 pm.
When and why hasn’t the fallen tree limb at the library been cleared. It is an eyesore, Not a welcoming sight at the intersection of our town center. Time to act.
Could a town official reply to this question? Thanks
Not likely since they don’t regularly read the comments on this blog!
Could you please place this differently, where it will be seen and hopefully addressed, thanks
No. But you can call the DPW!