Above: The Library will host an annual Tea in honor of National Poetry Month. (photos by Beth Melo)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week. (For more, check the Event Calendar.)
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For the Southborough Library’s regular storytime programs, click here for their events page. For the Southborough Senior Center’s ongoing classes, click here for their calendar.]
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
- Knitting/Crocheting Club (1:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center, Cordaville Road: Come join a group of ladies working on their own creations and discussing possible community projects. Stop by for a cup of coffee and visit with the group or join right in.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
- Technology Days (2:30 – 3:30 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Please join a group of Algonquin students for an hour of technology assistance. These eager students will answer all of your questions about cellphones, iPads, Laptops, e-readers and more. Please write your questions down ahead of time so that everything can be answered. Work with a student from ARHS and get your technology problems resolved!
- The Poet Tea: An Afternoon of Tea & Poetry (3:00 – 4:30 pm) @ Southborough Library: Join a few metrowest Brits for an afternoon of tea and poetry on the library’s historical main floor. Listen to readings of poetry selections about, for, and by women. Tea and light refreshments will be served courtesy of volunteers.
Friday, April 15, 2016
- Metro West School Day Games (10:00 am – 1:00 pm) @ Bowditch Field, Framingham: The annual event hosted by Special Olympics The Northborough, Southborough, and Regional School Districts have a combined total of 52 athletes participating in track and field events.
- Senior Matinee – Brooklyn (12:00 – 2:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Free movie screening for Southborough seniors. An Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a romance with a local. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within. The movie is rated PG-13 and is approximately 2 hours long. Before the show, the center will serve lunch (suggested donation of $3). Seniors are also welcome to bring their own lunch. To ensure there is enough lunch to serve – please pre-register at 508-229-4453.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
- Electronic, Appliance, and Bicycle Recycle Day (9:00 am – 2:00 pm) @ Saint Anne’s Church parking lot, 20 Boston Road: recycling fees apply for most equipment and appliances. For no fee, you can also bring your unwanted bicycle for re-use. For more information, contact Dennis Wood at 508-277-7513 or denwaynewood@yahoo.com. A portion of the event proceeds will be paid to St. Anne’s Church.