Above: John Gulbankian plowing the community garden three springs ago (contributed photo)
Spring is in the air. And some of you may have gardening on your minds.
Southborough Community Garden is getting ready to divvy up garden plots at Breakneck Hill again.
Residents can buy spots to plant veggies, flowers, and/or herbs. But gardeners must sign an agreement and use “organic methods”.
(If you prefer to buy your produce, stay tuned for info later this week on Chestnut Hill Farms CSA program.)
Joining the Community Garden is free for Southborough senior citizens. (Though they can opt to pay, to support the garden.)
The cost to residents under 65 is $15 for a 10 by 10 foot or #25 for a 10 by 20 foot plot. (Non-residents pay $5 extra.)
Click on the agreement right to open the pdf. For more information, email southboro.garden@yahoo.com.