Above: This is not your common bumblebee. Identified as bombus fervidus, this is among the type of bees previously thought wiped from Massachusetts landscape, but discovered last spring at Breakneck Hill. (Photo posted to flickr by John Baker)
The Southborough Library is hosting another pollinator talk. This one focuses on the the bumblebees at Breakneck Hill.
Last year, I shared news that a steward of Breakneck Hill and volunteers were working with a WPI professor to study pollinators at the hill. It’s a project they plan to continue this spring.
The decline of pollinators, important to the ecosystem, is a concerning issue. Causes and consequences are part of what Professor Robert Gegear will address this Tuesday.

Dr. Gegear has been researching the interrelationships between pollinators and the plants they feed on. In surveying bees on the hill last spring, they discovered species previously thought to be wiped out from our state.
On May 10 at 7:00 pm, Dr. Gegear will share some of his findings from last year’s study and talk about plans for this year.
The event is sponsored by the Open Space Preservation Commission and the Stewardship Committee.
For more details, click on the flyer right.